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Sunday, 21 August 2016

Meet The Man Who Claims He ‘Co-founded’ Facebook

The name Paul Ceglia probably means nothing to many people but he’s the man who claims to own half of the world’s largest social media company, Facebook.

Ceglia originally made the claims six years ago at which time he claimed he paid Mark Zuckerberg to develop the website that eventually became Facebook. At the time, he claimed that he and Zuckerberg had agreed to split proceeds from Facebook equally. Ceglia was unable to prove his claims and was eventually charged with a conspiracy to defraud Facebook and Zuckerberg of millions of dollars.

Since then, he has been on the run, trying to avoid facing the charges brought against him. Ceglia has now resurfaced with even more bizarre allegations, claiming that someone wants him dead.

 In his mail to Bloomberg, he wrote; “I felt I had no one in government I could trust,An opportunity presented itself, so I MacGyver’d some things together and started running for my life.”
His location remains unknown. In an email to Bloomberg, Ceglia said that he is “far from U.S. soil to be sure.”

Ceglia has been on the run for over a year and very few take his claims seriously.

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